EU Projects

„Baldai Jums” successfully implemented the project “Increasing business productivity and improving the environment for business in the company “Baldai Jums”. The project was implemented in 2014-2015. During that time, the company purchased 5 new equipment, with the help of which the existing products were significantly improved. Production of more complex, higher value-added products began. Pollution was minimized in the production process, which created an ecological human living environment. Product processing time has been shortened and better working conditions have been created. 72 new workplaces have been created.


The implementation of this project significantly influenced the production process of company “Baldai Jums” and contributed to the reduction of unemployment in the region, and indirectly positively influenced the improvement of business enterprises in the entire Jonava region.

Projects manager: Finance Director – Nijole Meskauskiene

“Baldai Jums” most of its production consists of cabinet furniture made of solid oak and birch. The company produces bedroom, living room and children’s room furniture for Western Europe. The company’s team of specialists skillfully manages modern production capacities, successfully completes tasks and achieves set goals.


In 2013 – 2015, using the help of EU structural funds, the company invested in new technological lines. Additional technical opportunities have opened in the company to produce complex, higher value-added products. In November, a new panel cutting line was installed and put into operation.


Just before Christmas, the new modern “Log cutting line” started work. This is one of the first such high-level lines in Lithuania.  Work productivity will increase more than three times, and the dimensions of cut boards and blanks will vary within one millimeter. This will allow you to save on very expensive wood, which has risen in price by over 25% in Lithuania in recent years. The line uses modern tools. The angle, direction and speed of tools can be changed during programming. Together with the log cutting line, tool sharpening equipment was also purchased: saw sharpening machines and rolling machines for band saws – which are intended for straightening, tensioning and leveling of band saws. Saw welding machines – make it possible to quickly and cheaply weld saws. This project is financed by “Baldai Jums” and LVPA funds, the total value of which is over 500,000 EUR.


The construction of fifteen new Austrian wood dryers was completed five years ago and we can dry 1,000 cubic boards at a time. After the installation of the “Log Cutting Line”, the fourth workshop reconstruction.


These investments will reduce the cost of products, significantly improve working conditions, increase the company’s competitiveness in international markets and ensure the continuity of the company’s activities and the preservation of jobs.

„Baldai Jums” is constantly faced with the growing demand of customers for ecological products and the desire to buy furniture that is not harmful to health. The pollution and climate warming issues raised by our customers, as well as globally, have shaped the idea of ​​investing in innovative technological lines to significantly improve product finishes that would not have any harmful effects on human health. Therefore, a business plan and a project to implement these ideas were prepared.


Before making the decision to implement this project, the management consulted with Kaunas University of Technology scientists, collected information on the latest achievements of woodworking and ecological furniture production equipment manufacturers. After collecting all the necessary information, they considered an alternative version of this project – to establish a separate company that could provide these services to woodworking and furniture companies in the region of the country. In this way, to concentrate the formation of these companies in one company, on the principle of clustering. However, after conducting a survey of such companies, we concluded to install these devices in our company, improving the production process. Lithuanian companies are not yet ready to give up partial production processing in other companies, although it would allow to produce higher quality products, reduce cost costs and increase profitability.


To implement this innovative project, a new Italian automatic product finishing line was installed and successfully launched a month ago at Baldai Jums company. With the help of this automatic technological equipment, we finish the products with water-based varnishes, which do not pollute nature and create a healthy living environment for people.


The company’s goal is focused on long-term perspectives related to taking a leading position in the Baltic region, production of ecological – innovative furniture from wood. Already last year, we increased sales by over 20%, created over 80 new long-term jobs for residents of the Jonava district. This project was financed by the company and EU structural funds administered by LVPA.

“Baldai Jums” is constantly looking for uniqueness among European manufacturers and offers customers something that cannot be produced by a common westerner.

In order not only to meet the expectations of prestigious retail chains, but also to delight them with innovations, the company annually invests in new technologies and improves its production processes. The company is successfully implementing investment project no. S-VP2.2.1-ŪM-06-K-02-009 to perform complex woodworking operations with the help of new technologies and implement modern design solutions. This project opens the way to new markets for the company and creates conditions for improvement.


Another step was taken in the implementation of this project and according to the ongoing investment project no. S-VP2.2.1-ŪM-06-K-02-009 purchased and installed a new programmable wood processing center Homag. This device is equipped with the most modern powerTouch smart control system of the last generation used in the equipment of the wood furniture industry. The entire machine control system is concentrated on a large touch screen. All machine functions are controlled simply by activating them with the touch of a finger on the monitor screen. This device also has new “help” and “assistant” functions. These functions make work easier, and standardized operating elements and software modules ensure that the machine has a simple control concept. The latest design and machine tool programming software WoodWop7 is also installed. Thanks to this software, we can use completely new programming possibilities for three-dimensional machining. If previously each tool movement was drawn with a separate contour, with the new program the entire machining object is selected, and all tool movements are calculated automatically.


New technologies introduced allow the company to become competitive in terms of design, furniture and prices.  In today’s ever-changing technology environment, technological development activities are very important. Thanks to this project, the company (having acquired four machines) started to produce complex products with higher added value and export them to England. By making a profit and creating new jobs, the company will contribute to reducing unemployment in the municipality of Jonava district.

A new non-circulating filter was installed in another furniture manufacturing workshop. The device is designed to return up to 95 percent of extracted and cleaned air back into the premises. The installation of this system also reduced the emission of CO (carbon monoxide) and NOx (nitrogen oxides) into the environment. These compounds are formed by burning wood, which contains about 30% carbon. Since much less wood was burned for space heating, these emissions also decreased.


According to the calculations, replacing the existing workshop ventilation system with a modern recovery system with partial air return reduces the overall indirect emission of pollutants into the ambient air.


This project will not only affect the ambient air outside the building but will also reduce emissions of PM (solid particles) dangerous to human health into the workshop premises, thus improving the air quality in the workshop itself, and reducing energy consumption.


Five years ago, a similar wood waste removal – filtering system was installed in the wood preparation workshop and after the implementation of the project, dustiness in the working environment decreased by about 30%. We expect a similar indicator in this furniture production workshop.


During this project, other positive results were achieved:

  1. Reduced energy consumption for maintaining the air circulation system.
  2. After evaluating all sources of pollution that are eliminated during this project, emissions of PM (solid particles) into the ambient air decrease by about 2.8 t/year.
  3. In addition, the new chip breaking equipment does not require constant human attention, the system is fully automated, so less deviation from maintaining the set parameters in the workshop and in the ambient air is expected.


The project “Environmentally friendly technologies that reduce the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere” in UAB “Baldai Jums” furniture production workshop No. 1″ is financed by the company and the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Investment Fund (LAAIF). This is the second project financed by this fund and implemented in the company this year. The total value of this project is 828 thousand. Lt. The fund allocated about 645.0 thousand for the implementation of this project. Lt., but we will not get the money back immediately, but only in two years. For the financing of this project, the company received a loan on favorable terms from AB DNB bank Jonava department.   The project was successfully implemented by the Estonian company “Hekotek “.


UAB “Baldai Jums” most of its production consists of cabinet furniture made of birch and oak massif. We produce bedroom, living room and children’s room furniture. To meet the needs of residents of all social strata, we also produce cheaper furniture made of lower grade wood, as well as combined furniture with MDF. This allows customers to offer a wider range and a lower price.


We continue to look for new opportunities to make our products cheaper, by choosing different materials or by using the help offered by the state to increase the company’s competitiveness.


The company prepared and submitted to LVPA a business plan and an application for receiving financing according to the 2007-2013 Law of Lithuania. Measures administered by the Economic Growth Action Program and Cohesion Promotion Action Program of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania. Our company’s business plan was approved, financing was obtained, and all public procurements were successfully completed.


With the help of EU structural funds, we invested in a new technological line, which will allow the company to save raw materials, improve products and shorten their production time. In addition, there will be real technical opportunities to produce more complex products with higher added value.


The first device, which already reached the company in November and was successfully installed, is an automatic panel cutting machine.


This machine is designed for clean and precise cutting of parts according to the desired dimensions. The machine is controlled by software – automatic control. With the help of these machines, the time of cutting the workpiece is shortened, because several workpieces are cut at once. The surface of the saw is clean, there are no splinters or damages on the edge of the workpiece, perfect pressing of the workpieces results in excellent basing, which facilitates and speeds up the further processing of the details, and at the same time, the production of the product itself.


This is only the first stage of the business plan. Four more public procurements were successfully completed. The second very important device worth 1.5 million Lt has already reached the company. it is “Log cutting line with saw sharpening equipment”, which is planned to be installed by December 15.

UAB “Baldai Jums” implemented the project “Reducing the intensity of electricity consumption in UAB “Baldai Jums” by increasing the production and consumption of RES” 042.1-LVPA-K-836-05-0006


During the implementation period of the project, the company installed a photovoltaic solar power plant, thereby contributing to nature conservation and reducing Lithuania’s dependence on energy imports. This source of renewable energy gave the company the opportunity to produce up to 13.4% of the electricity used for its own needs from renewable energy sources.


The aim of the project:

Reduce the intensity of energy consumption in the company by increasing the production and consumption of RES.



A 600 kW Photovoltaic solar power plant will be purchased and installed, the total value of which is EUR 356,710.00, etc.: Private funds invested – EUR 238,574. The amount of support is EUR 118,136.00.


Project duration:

The project was started after the signing of the financing agreement on 09/18/2020. The project was completed on 15/06/2022.